For most gardeners, like myself, removing weeds is not my favorite chore. Sometimes it feels like a never-ending battle. But, after weeding your garden, everything looks tidy and beautiful, and the effort seems worth it. So, I’m sharing 7 weeding mistakes you need to avoid in your garden.

Beyond your garden looking perfect, removing weeds is very beneficial to your garden. The weeds are not taking the water your plants need to service. Also, the weeds are no longer attracting unwanted insects or diseases. Make things easier on yourself by avoiding these 5 weeding mistakes you need to avoid in your garden.
1. Not identifying weeds correctly.
Most times identifying the weed is the hardest part.
First, it helps to know if you are dealing with an annual, perennial, or biennial weed. Annuals can often be controlled by cutting them to the ground before they seed. Also, learn how particular weeds spread (by seed, runners, suckers, etc.), when they flower, and when the seeds tend to germinate.
For me, the best way to handle weeds is to dig them and pull them out of the ground. Make sure to trace back any runners weeds may have and remove the entire weed from your garden.
When you are weeding, keep seeds in mind and try to disturb the soil as little as possible. Those seeds are waiting for some sunlight and moisture to start growing!

Removing weeds before they set seeds can go a long way toward reducing future weeds. Pre–emergent herbicides, which are designed to kill germinating seeds in the soil, can be an effective control, but they will also prevent the germination of desirable seeds, so don’t use them where you plan to over-seed a lawn, for example.
2. Using herbicides Incorrectly.
I’m not big on using herbicides. I don’t like all those toxins in my garden. If you decide to use herbicides, use extra caution. Make sure it is appropriate for the weeds you are killing. Do not use it on a windy day and make sure to label it, so it’s not used incorrectly. Follow the instructions on the label carefully. You can also use natural weed killers.
3. Weeding with the wrong tools.
A long-handle hoe works well in the vegetable garden, while a hand hoe is great for weeding in tight, crowded spots or raised beds. I’m a fan of a hand hoe and trowels, really getting my hands in the dirt and yanking out the weeds and grass. A weed wacker is not a good solution for weeding your garden

5. Not using gloves.
Avoid painful punctures and rashes, especially when working with unfamiliar plants, by always wearing protective gloves while weeding.

6. Depending on landscape fabric.
Landscape fabric can be effective for controlling weeds in pathways, under play sets, or other spaces where you aren’t growing plants. But if used in annual flowerbeds or vegetable gardens, you’ll likely need to replace it each year.
As time goes by, the fabric begins to break down, so weed roots can penetrate into the soil and be more difficult to dig up because of the barrier.
7. Procrastinating.
Weeds will spread more, the longer they are allowed to grow. Small weeds are much easier to remove than big ones. Pull those nasty weeds as soon as you spot them growing and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and effort. Before you know it, you have to dig deep to get out the root, and if you don’t get it all weeds become an ongoing problem that is nearly impossible to get under control.
So grab your tools and gloves and get started. Weeding is a chore you don’t want to put off.

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