New Mom at 40

Easy Rainbow Fruit Loop Craft for Kids

Rainbow Fruit Loop Craft for kids diy st patrick's day craft

I love creating holiday crafts!  St Patrick’s Day is a holiday that is generally brushed over in my house.  I do like to make sure I and my youngest daughter are both wearing green, and that is about as far as we go for observing it. Today I decided to share with you our Easy Rainbow fruit Loop Craft for Kids.

Wikipedia says, “On St Patrick’s Day, it is customary to wear shamrocks, green clothing or green accessories. St Patrick is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish.”

This year I wanted to create a St. Patrick’s Day craft for my daughter.  She really loves Rainbows, especially since she finished her rainbow words at school.  Rainbows are probably one of the bigger “commercial” aspects of St. Patrick’s Day.  So, we also discussed our Irish heritage and the reason that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated.

Funny side note.  The main reason we have a steady supply of fruit loops in our house is for our rabbit, Bugsy.  We’ve had Bugsy for over 6 years and he gets one fruit loop in the morning and one at night.  He expects his fruit loops every day and will let us know that he’s ready for it by hopping around his pen and standing on his hind legs.  He is the sweetest rabbit and deserves his fruit loop treats.

You can check out our other Rainbow crafts too! Rainbow Glitter Slime & Rainbow with Craft Sticks.


Rainbow Fruit Loop Craft for kids diy st patrick's day craft
Rainbow Fruit Loop Craft


Rainbow Fruit Loop Craft


This is a simple craft that you can easily do at home with your children and will likely have all of the supplies on hand. This makes an awesome craft for St Patrick’s Day too.

Rainbow Fruit Loop Craft
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