I love a fun project I can do with my daughter that does not create a big mess. I’m sharing with you this fun little Free Indoor Photo Scavenger Hunt for kids that is not only fun but a great learning tool too!
This scavenger hunt is somewhat different from your typical scavenger hunt. It is a game that your child can play alone. This is perfect for my daughter since she is basically an only child because her siblings are adults.
My Indoor Photo Scavenger Hunt was inspired by an app my daughter loved playing with when she was younger. This was before she could read and the app read to her what she needed to look for, then she took a photo of it. Once the mission was complete, she brought my phone back to me. The app showed the results of her photos, with a story that went along with it. It was a really neat app but is no longer available. I wanted something that was similar to the app. So, I created this scavenger hunt. Though it does not have the story aspect, it is still a lot of fun.
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Scavenger hunts allow kids to practice problem-solving in a tangible way. It helps to reinforce and act-out methods they have been taught by parents or teachers in a physical way, leading to increased retention of the lessons.
One of the other great things about this type of scavenger hunt, I can send my daughter off to work on it while I do my own things. When she’s done, she can share with me all of the photos she took.
Some of my daughter’s photos from her scavenger hunt.

Kids can make this really funny when they are creative. If they are not creative, maybe this will encourage creativity in them. The Scavenger Hunt is such a great indoor activity for your kids.
Instructions for playing
1. Print the Photo Scavenger Hunt.
2. Give the list and a smartphone or camera to your child.
3. Tell them to try to find everything in order of the list.
4. Help them out if they ask for it.
5. Have them bring the list and photos back to you when they are finished.
6. Go over it with them and laugh together!
7. Have your kids do the list again, but chose different subjects for the photos.
I hope that your child has fun with this fun Free Indoor Photo Scavenger Hunt for Kids! Let me know in the comments if you want me to create more.
Check out my Fall Scavenger Hunt for Kids. Perfect for Preschoolers.