Compost bins don’t have to be expensive or super complicated. You may be able to make one with things you already have at home. I’m going to share with you how to build an easy compost bin for free. It’s so easy, you will wonder why you did so much research on it in the first place as I did. =)
What You Need to Make Your Easy Compost Bin
First, all you need is a large empty container and a drill to make holes. I used an old feed bucket. You can also use a large Rubbermaid storage container.
How to Make Your Own Compost Bin
Next, just drill holes in the container. Drill (or poke) holes on the bottom and the lower edges. Just a few to let some air in. The holes allow air in and the water to drip out.
If you want to keep animals out, you can cover it with some chicken wire or put a lid on it with more holes drilled into the lid. We just leave ours open and let our chickens stir it around.
Keep your bin in a cool shady place. This keeps it from drying out too quickly.
I stir my compost on a regular basis with a shovel, about once a week. I also add water to it every week or two if we do not have rain.
My favorite things to add to my bin are vegetable scraps and chicken manure, due to raising chickens and a garden. These things make excellent compost on their own!
Now, you’re ready to compost. Check out this post for how to compost chicken poop.
Some ideas for composting
- Coffee grounds
- Eggshells
- Teabags
- Fruit scraps
- Veggie scarps
- Napkins
- Newspapers
- Dryer Lint
- Grass clippings
- Shredded brown paper bags
- Twigs
- Coffee grounds
- Straw
- Chicken Manure
- Rabbit Manure
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