I’m always looking for a craft that expresses the changes in the season. I’m going to show you How to Make a Milk Carton Bird Feeder With Kids. It is super easy and will require just a little bit of effort from you and your child.
My daughter loves to express her creativity and this is a perfect craft for her. She is also a big animal lover. Since this craft feeds the wild birds, she is super thrilled.
Skills used:
Creativity, painting, fine motor skills
Supplies needed:
- clean empty milk carton
- spray paint
- clear top coat
- paint brushes
- acrylic paints
- Exacto knife
- dowel rod
- bird seed
I got a little door out so the birds could get in. I cut it about an inch from the bottom, so there will be room for the bird seed.

TIP! One other thing I should have done before painting was to make the holes for the dowel rod and the twine to hang the bird feeder.
Make a hole on the top for the twine to hang the bird feeder. Make two holes for the dowel rod. See our finished photo at the end of the post.
I had some blue spray paint from another project in my craft room. I took the carton outside and spray painted all sides. Do several coats, letting them dry in between coats. If your kids are a little older, they can do this part on their own.
Next, I let my daughter freehand paint with the acrylic paints and be as creative as she wanted. She was so excited to express her creativity. She loves rainbows, so that was the first thing she painted.

Place the dowel rod through the hole in the front and back. Add the twine to the top.
Her finished bird feeder! We put black oil sunflower seeds inside after we hung it from the tree. Hopefully, it will make lots of birds happy.
I hope you enjoyed our post, How to Make a Milk Carton Bird Feeder With Kids.
Check out some of our other fun crafts!
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