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How to Make Sand Plum Syrup

How to Make Sand Plum Syrup for canning #sandplum #sandplumrecipe #canning #fruitcanning

How to Make Sand Plum Syrup for canning #sandplum #sandplumrecipe #canning #fruitcanning

Sand plums can be found along Oklahoma’s back roads. They have been a fruit of choice for many in this state. They are prized for their jelly and syrup. I’m sharing my simple recipe How to Make Sand Plum Syrup

Sand plums can be found fruiting on bushes as small as 2ft. tall as well as some close to 25ft. tall. They are covered with five-petal white flowers. The fruit can range in size according to the plant and growing conditions. 

Our sand plum bush is over 6 ft tall and very large in width. I would save 15-20 feet. Plums don’t always develop on it, but this year we had a very wet Spring and lots of sand plums. I will admit that we did not come near to pick them all, leaving many for the wild animals, insects, and birds.

My first thought was to create Sand Plum Jelly. But I could not find pectin in any of the local stores! I guess everyone had the same idea. Many people will go down country roads or even the side of the highway to gather sand plums. I only have to walk out my door and over to the horse pasture to reach our closest bush.

My husband and youngest picked all the sand plums I used for this recipe, and later for my sand plum jelly. It’s a lot of work to process sand plums, but it is also a lot of work to collect the sand plums in the heat of Oklahoma Summer! I wasn’t willing to do both. LOL!

The first thing I did was rinse the sand plums, then lay them on a towel to dry. I then sorted the sand plums. A few were ripe and some weren’t. I put the ripe ones in the refrigerator and left the others out to ripen for a day or two.

When the sand plums are ready I place them in a large pot and cover with water. I turn the heat to medium and bring the water to a boil. I boil the plums until they all become soft and the skin pops. Next, I let them cool.

Once the plums cool off I turn them into plum juice. I use a juice bag, but you can use a cheesecloth. Once I squeeze all the juice from the plums, I put them in the same pot I used to boil the plums. I had 7 cups of juice and added 10 cups of sugar. It seems like a lot, but plum juice is really bitter. You could probably use less or more, depending on your preference.

I bring it to a boil and medium-high heat. Then I cook it on low until it is syrup thick. Usually for about 30 minutes.

I divided the syrup between canning jars that were hot. Then put them in a hot bath to seal for storage.


Sand Plum Syrup


  • 7 Cups plum juice
  • 11 Cups of sugar see notes
  • Jars for canning


  • To make sand plum juice place plums in a large pot and cover with water. Heat to boiling on medium heat until skins pop. Strain juice from the plums.
  • Combine plum juice and sugar in a large pot. Heat to boiling over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, making sure it does not boil over the pot.
  • Turn down to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes or until it thickens. Pour into sterile jars and water bath according to the size of jars used.


Sugar can be adjusted to taste.  Sand plum juice is very tart.  You may require more or less sugar.


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