I’m always looking for fun crafts for my daughter that is also useful. I’m going to show you How to Make a Milk Jug Bird Feeder With Kids. It is super easy and will require just a little bit of help from you.
My daughter loves to express her creativity and this is a perfect craft for her. She is also a big animal lover. Since this fun Milk Jug Bird Feeder feeds the wild birds, she is super thrilled.
Supplies Needed for Milk Jug Bird Feeder
- clean empty milk jug with lid
- spray paint (optional)
- clear topcoat
- paintbrushes
- acrylic paints
- scissors
- hole-punch
- birdseed
Instructions for Milk Jug Bird Feeder
I cut several windows out so the birds could get in. I cut them about an inch from the bottom, so there will be room for the birdseed. This part of the craft can be done by older children with supervision.

TIP! Make holes for the twine to hang the bird feeder. DO this BEFORE you paint with the spray paint

TIP! Make holes for the twine to hang the bird feeder. DO this BEFORE you paint with the spray paint

Make two holes on the top with the hole-punch, you can also use scissors, for the twine to hang the bird feeder. I made the two holes near the spout, right where the jug becomes a jug.
Luckily, I had some spray paint from another project in my craft room. I took the jug outside and spray painted all sides. Do several coats, letting them dry in between coats. If your kids are a little older, they can do this part on their own.

I let her paint what she wanted on her Milk Jug birdfeeders. She loves being creative. My daughter is all about cats and really, that is all she wants to draw. She did switch it up a bit on her birdfeeder.
Paint a clear top coat after your child is finished painting. This will help the paint last longer.
I also painted one with a milk jug bird feeder. She likes it when we do crafts together and I enjoy it too.

We are big bird lovers in our home. We have chickens and ducks that free-range, plus we love taking care of the wild birds too.
My daughter decided she wanted to make one of the birdfeeders into a birdhouse, so we are going to put some straw in it and see what happens.
I hope you try out this DIY Birdfeeder with your kids and they have fun with it. Let them be creative in their own way!
Check out our other Milk Carton Birdfeeder DIY!

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Make two holes on the top with the hole-punch, you can also use scissors, for the twine to hang the bird feeder. I made the two holes near the spout, right where the jug becomes a jug.
Luckily, I had some spray paint from another project in my craft room. I took the jug outside and spray painted all sides. Do several coats, letting them dry in between coats. If your kids are a little older, they can do this part on their own.
I let her paint what she wanted on her Milk Jug birdfeeders. She loves being creative. My daughter is all about cats and really, that is all she wants to draw. She did switch it up a bit on her birdfeeder.
Paint a clear top coat after your child is finished painting. This will help the paint last longer.
I also painted one with a milk jug bird feeder. She likes it when we do crafts together and I enjoy it too.
We are big bird lovers in our home. We have chickens and ducks that free-range, plus we love taking care of the wild birds too.
My daughter decided she wanted to make one of the birdfeeders into a birdhouse, so we are going to put some straw in it and see what happens.
I hope you try out this DIY Birdfeeder with your kids and they have fun with it. Let them be creative in their own way!
Check out our other Milk Carton Birdfeeder DIY!

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