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This is Your Free Printable We Bare Bear Cards

This is Your Free Printable We Bare Baear Cards #valentine #printable #freeprintable #valentinecard #webarebears #card

My daughter loves the Cartoon Network show, We Bare Bears. Her favorite bear is Ice Bear. For her birthday I bought her a stuffed Ice Bear and she carries it with her everywhere. I also got her a We Bare Bears t-shirt, stickers. and bottle. Because she loves them so much, I knew I had to create special Valentine cards for her, so This is Your Free Printable We Bare Bear Cards.

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I made several cute ones to choose from. My daughter knows which bear is each of her classmates’ favorite. So, she picked out who would get each card. Of course, Ice Bear is her favorite.

My daughter is low on the growth chart for her age and we have been working to put weight on her in several ways. Most mornings before school she barely touches breakfast, partly due to drinking a big cup of pediasure, which I’m sure can be filling. So, I told her if she finished her breakfast she could take Ice Bear with her for the ride to school. It has worked brilliantly, and she has been eating all of her breakfast every morning since. Hopefully, we will see some weight gain soon.

Free Printables

Click the image(s) of your choice to print your free printable We Bare Bear Valentine’s Day cards.


I hope you enjoy these free printable Valentine’s Day cards. If you are looking for other free printable cards you can check out my free Pugs & Kisses cards, an easy Valentine Heart Wreath Craft, and my Valentine’s Day Roundup post of free DIY and Printable Valentine’s Day cards.

Quick Links to my other Valentine’s day cards and ideas!

Farm Animal Valentines

Pugs N Kisses Valentines

Baby Yoda Valentines

Kids Valentine’s Card Round-up

Easy Valentine’s Day Paper Wreath

Cook up a sweet Chocolate Fudge Cake for your Valentine!


Shop my favorite We Bare Bear products!

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