Tips For Organic Gardening And Going Green, find all the tips you need to turn your garden or yard “green”.
Going Green
The words “going green” have become synonymous with organic gardening. If you are thinking of “going green” one of the ways to do so is to convert your yard or garden into an all-natural state. This simply means you will substitute all-natural ingredients into your yard or garden for plant enhancement. You will find some tips in this article which will help you make the switch to “going green”.
It is important for you to understand, that no matter how small of a contribution you make to clean up our environment, you are also helping yourself, your children, and your grandchildren. In other words, you are leaving them a legacy of a world that is cleaner and healthier for them.
Now let’s get on with the tips for making “going green” and organic gardening a little easier for you.
Organic Gardener
One of the first things you can do is stop using manmade chemicals to fertilize your yard or garden. You don’t have to worry about the grass, veggies, flowers, or plants not growing. Today it is very easy to go to your local garden center and pick up natural organic compost. Fulvic Acids and amino acids, to supply all the nutrition to help your yard and garden look its best.

Start Composting for Organic Gardening
A great thing about using organic compost is you can actually make your own organic compost. Instead of throwing your table scrapes, old newspapers and other paper products into the garbage can, you can place them into a compost pile or compost container and let them break down into an all-natural fertilizer. You can also speed up the decomposition by making sure you aerate (by turning over) and adding water to the compost pile. Learn more on how to make your own organic compost bin. If you have chickens, Learn how to Compost Chicken Manure.
Weed Control in Organic Gardening
The growth of your plants is not the only thing you will be concerned with when you stop using manmade chemicals. You still are going to have to kill the weeds which will try to overrun your plants and grass. The fastest way to combat these killers is to resort to the old fashion way of hoeing and pulling the weeds from the soil. However, thanks to technology and your local garden center, it is possible to find organic weed killers such as a corn weed blocker. This weed blocker is made from corn gluten and is 100% all natural. Not only does it act as a weed killer, as it break downs, it will release nitrogen into your organic yard or garden. You can get more details on corn gluten in this article on the Spruce.

Organic Gardening Pest Control
In addition to the natural fertilizer and weed killer you are also going to need to use pest control. One of the natural pest controls is the smell of cedar or even the smell of garlic. These odors assault the pests, through the bug’s body resulting in flight or death. You can find more information here, How to Repel Insects Naturally.
In conclusion, it is possible to “go green” in your yard and garden without having to use harsh chemicals. Your organic gardening, even though a bit more trouble will be worth the time and effort you put into it.
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